Course + Community for Self-Aware, Single Women 

Dating Decoded

Uncover + overcome the invisible blocks that are keeping you from attracting the love of your life!

"Why am I still single?"

You’re an intelligent woman who has already done a lot of inner work…

You've got a great career, amazing friends and a huge heart...

You're a total catch...

Yet, this question sits in the back of your mind...

Coming up and revealing the universe of emotion underneath it...

But only when you allow it (because it's easier to avoid uncomfortable questions we don't have answers to)...

This question didn’t occur to you previously, because you were still figuring yourself out, having fun being single, dating around, or already in a relationship (which didn’t ultimately work out…)

You were living life in a care-free flow…

But now, your considerations are MUCH different…

You’re REALLY thinking about your future…

You might be asking questions like:

“When and where will I find him?” 

“Will I find him in time to have children and start a family?”

"Do I need to get a matchmaker?"

“Should I freeze my eggs to guarantee I’ll still have a chance at a healthy pregnancy and healthy children?"

And because these are such BIG, significant life questions…

(...which involve decisions that cost tens of thousands of dollars and painful, invasive procedures)

You go back and forth between trying to "trust the process…”

And feeling scared, anxious, and worried that you may not find him…

Or that when you do, it’ll be too late to live your prime years with him and fulfill your dreams for a family…

None of this is for a lack of you trying…

You might have already explored things like:

  • Reading books & listening to podcasts (only to accumulate lots of information w/o transformation
  • Going to workshops and retreats (to have a peak experience that doesn’t actually get integrated into everyday life)
  • Working with a therapist (where you rehash your childhood for months or years on end w/o actually improving your love life, and while this can be helpful in helping you become aware of things, this isn’t actually an effective dating strategy)
  • Maybe even hiring a matchmaker (where you spend tons of money, only to be matched with random men – yet something still doesn’t feel right and you’re still experiencing the same painful patterns that you do when you match with men on the apps)
  • Putting yourself out there and going on more dates (yet this ‘hope for the best’ approach to dating leaves you feeling out of control and exhausted because you’re still not meeting the right men, which means your dream relationship isn’t actually materializing)
  • You might’ve even tried talking to your girlfriends, using meditation & affirmations, or even seeking spiritual counsel (and all this is great, but your girlfriends have their own life to live and they don't always give great advice, you can’t get your affirmations to sound or feel authentic, and the spiritual counsel is cool in theory, but you’re wondering how the heck you apply any of it when the rubber meets the road in real life dating, especially when triggers and emotions come up

And this leaves you frustrated as hell because no matter how hard you try (and how intelligent & open hearted you are), you still haven’t found YOUR man – the person you wanna do life with! 

And even with all this effort and inner work, you might still be attracting men who: 

  • Are emotionally unavailable, distant, or withdrawn
  • ​​Have hot/cold energy - they love bomb, then ghost 
  • ​Are passive and let you take the lead  
  • Feel like a​ project - putting you in caretaker, coach, or mommy mode
  • Say they want commitment, but then get cold feet
  • ​Are only interested in 'keeping things casual' 
  • Are unavailable in some other way - long distance, going through a divorce or break up, or are already in another relationship 
  • ​Or you're not attracting men at all because you've sworn off dating

And when you meet a man you are actually attracted to:

You either can’t seem to get past the early stages of dating... 


You find yourself acting inauthentically in some way (because you really want it to work with this guy)...

This inauthenticity may look like:

  • Not speaking up for your needs (for fear of being ‘too much’)
  • Ignoring red flags (because you’re justifying all his other good qualities)
  • Hiding your inner most thoughts and feelings (for fear of judgment or rejection)
  • Not honoring your boundaries or allowing them to be crossed by him (for fear that if you assert them, he’ll break things off)

And when things end up fizzling out with him, you’re left feeling even more hopeless…

Because you wonder if you’ll ever come across another guy like him...

Where you ACTUALLY feel some chemistry, spark, and attraction...

Then you wonder...

"Is it even worth putting myself out there anymore?!"

Because what's the point, when you experience patterns like:

  • Ping ponging back and forth between feeling hopeful and exhausted with dating
  • Being stuck in a repetitive cycle of short, unsatisfying relationships that burn out as fast as they start (you can’t get passed dates 1, 2, or 3)
  • Ending up in situation-ships that never lead to the kind of commitment you’re craving
  • Having some great dating experiences, but they just didn’t seem to last - either you couldn’t get past some of the old patterns and unhealthy dynamics, the spark fizzled out, or your values and vision didn’t fully align

And ultimately… trying to convince yourself that you don’t need love to be happy (...yet deep down you REALLY want it)

And now you might be turning the spotlight back on yourself: 

  • Maybe I should just settle?
  • Am I being too picky?
  • Is there something wrong with me?

Having helped hundreds of women with their love lives, I’ll be straight up with you right now:

  • No, you won’t have to settle (when you use the Dating Decoded process)
  • We encourage pickiness, but in the form of high standards and values alignment (rather than superficial criteria)
  • ABSOLUTELY NOT! There’s nothing wrong with you – you’re not broken and you don’t need fixing…
The truth is, even though you’re doing all the right things…

You might be unknowingly sabotaging yourself when it comes to love…

(...which is not your fault, by the way...I go deep on this inside the course)

But, if doing more isn’t helping you attract (and keep) the love of your life, then what the heck is the issue?!

Because you’re a total catch!

You’re intelligent, down to earth, and have a huge heart, with so much love to give! 

But here's the thing...

When there are invisible patterns in our blindspot, we can do *almost* everything else right but still struggle to find the love we’ve been longing for…

Because while we are consciously doing what we think we need to do to attract HIM, some part of us is subconsciously pushing him away.

So if you feel like you’ve tried everything, but nothing will give…

Then, there are one or two small things that you’re either believing, feeling, or doing that are having a BIG negative impact…

Causing you to unknowingly sabotage your chances at love (especially when you're really into him)!

All you have to do is uncover what those things are… 

The only issue is, just like you can’t see your own eyes (unless you’re looking into a mirror)...

You also can’t see your own blindspots and patterns when it comes to dating.

And while you can’t see what’s in your blind spot, you sure as hell do FEEL the effects of what’s there…

Causing you to play out patterns that wreak havoc on your dating life like:
  • 'The Attraction Killer' - When you’re stuck in this pattern, it causes him to pull back, put forth less effort into the dating interaction, not follow up after dates, and eventually end things or ghost altogether
  • 'The Relationship Repeller' - When you’re stuck in this pattern, it causes the men you're actually excited about and who you see potential with, to be wishy-washy in their commitment to you, saying things like: “I don't know what I want,” “I'm not ready for commitment,” or “I need some more time…”
  • ' The Date Destroyer' - When you’re stuck in this pattern, it causes you to feel super anxious in some of your dating interactions (especially when you’re really into him), and as you start second guessing yourself, the attraction he once had for you quickly fades and he pulls away…
These patterns may even cause you to attract men who….
  • Have hot and cold energy
  • Are inconsistent in their communication
  • Aren't emotionally available or open to commitment 
  • Lack appreciation for you and take you for granted

The most effective way to stop attracting the wrong men + find the love of your life, is to uncover the invisible patterns (deep) below the surface that are pushing him away

The tricky part is that these patterns are activated by your emotional brain…

Which is why your logical brain can’t see them (again, it’s like trying to see your own eyes without a mirror.)

And when this part of your brain gets triggered, it overpowers your rational, logical, confident brain (whose done all the inner work).

So you have to reveal these patterns because they’re the root cause of your lack of success in dating. 

(This is why everything you’ve already tried hasn’t actually led to you attracting him. )

As soon as you become aware of the exact patterns standing between you and the love of your life... start the process of transformation, the invisible sabotage patterns  lose their power over you, and you regain control and agency over your love life. 
Here’s a simple way to think about it:
If you were going on a first date with a guy you were really into, and he asked you to meet him at a restaurant you’d never been to or heard of before…

What’s the first thing you’d do when you got into your car? 

You’d pop the name of the restaurant into Google Maps, right? 

Because you wouldn’t want to get lost, be late, or take an inefficient route to get there…

You would count on Google Maps to give you the step by step road map for the most effective route…

Guaranteeing you’ll get to your desired destination in the shortest time possible.

So why not have the same kind of road map to successfully identify and navigate the patterns that are keeping you stuck in dating? 
Because, until you uncover these patterns...

You can read all the books, listen to all the podcasts, and rehash your childhood a million times over in therapy, hire matchmakers, go to singles events and go on a million dates…

But you’ll keep getting blindsided by the patterns that are hiding under the surface…

Causing you to repel the men with whom you actually see a future, waste time with men who aren't a fit, and ultimately delay or completely eliminate your chances of meeting him (or creating a healthy, long lasting relationship)...
However, I promise that when you uncover these invisible patterns and start to resolve them…

You will start attracting great men that you could actually have a future with...

And you’ll feel wayyy more confident and relaxed in dating and free to be yourself…
  • Whether you’re using the apps or meeting them organically
  • Regardless of how many past dating situations and relationships didn’t work out
  • Without needing to spend all your time and energy on dating
  • Without needing to perform or be someone you're not

What you want more than anything else is to find the love of your life, your "partner in crime," your "ride or die..."

Because you’re ready:

  • To feel confident and authentic in dating, like you can be your FULL self, completely present (and not in your head)
  • To enjoy the process of dating and have it feel like a fun adventure (instead of second job that burns you out)
  • For dating to lead to something serious, because you value your time and energy (and you only want to spend it with men who are worth your while & who want commitment too)
  • To attract a man who is emotionally available and intelligent, who has a clear direction for his life, and who you’re actually interested in
  • To call in a partner who’s always got your back, who prioritizes you, and with whom you feel safe to fully open your heart
  • To have a healthy, fulfilling, secure relationship where you feel seen, heard, and valued (without having to work hard for it, lose yourself, or be someone you’re not)

I want all of this for you!

I wanted all those things for myself too

In fact, not long ago, I was exactly where you are…

I was living a great life – I had a thriving career, amazing friends, world travel…

I felt mostly happy…

Except for in the moments when I was reminded of just how single I was…

Attending one friend’s wedding after the next, leaving the +1 section on the RSVP card blank…

(Or making a friend stand in as my +1!)  

And it’s not like I wasn’t doing ALL the things to try and find my man…
I was on all the major dating apps (at the same time)...

I was going to events and workshops to “put myself out there…”

I was listening to podcasts and audiobooks about love…

And even filling my therapist in on the revolving door of men I was prospecting for "Head Hubby" role…

And just as soon as I got excited about a new guy…

I either:
  • Spotted red flags (I couldn’t unsee)
  • Realized he was painfully unavailable (which made me want him more)
  • Never heard back from him (leaving me feeling hopeless, helpless and unworthy of love)
  • Learned that he was just visiting from another country (unavailable...again!)
  • Or ended up losing interest before anything serious could happen...
And the whole damn time, I sat there scratching my head, wondering things like: 

“How can I be SO single?! I live in NYC with like a million options!”

“What’s wrong with these guys, can’t they see I’m a total catch?!”

“Wait, is there something wrong with me?!”

I was confused, frustrated, and on many nights, downright sad. 

I was stuck in this cycle for years…

And for years, I justified my singledom by thinking: 

“At least I love my job and have great friends, maybe I don’t need a man…”

But all of that thinking got completely shaken up the day I signed up for a relationship workshop that would change my life…

All starting with a single, piercing statement that triggered the hell out of me.. 

And became the first catalyst in my journey toward attracting my partner. 

Just after the workshop ended, I went up to the teacher (who was an intimacy coach)...

And shared the predicament I found myself in when it came to dating…
Thinking that she would totally see the err of all the men I’d dated, and agree with my assessment that “It was them and not me…”

I shared the details of my dating life with a subtle sense of arrogance and superiority (about all the ‘inner work’ I was doing)...

But with the precise and penetrating force of a samurai sword, she sliced through narratives and instead replied:

“If you’re so smart (and self-aware), why are you still single?”

I was flabbergasted. 

She went on to say:  

“Lee, your results in dating are your hands. You’re creating your reality, and only you have the power to change it. You can blame the men and the circumstances, but we both know it’s neither of those things.” 
She paused for what felt like a dramatic effect, giving me a chance to let that hard truth permeate every cell of my being.

“FUCKKKKKKKK!” I thought…

Feeling the truth of this resonate throughout my body…

“Fuck her!” I then retorted (in my mind)…

Not wanting to admit any of this to myself…

“She’s right,” a less ego-driven part of me whispered to myself…

The trigger let me know that she was touching a wound within me that felt sensitive, tender and oh so exposed!

In the days that followed, I sat in a defeated, depressive pool of self-pity…

What do you mean it’s me?!

I’ve had the power to change things all along?!

What was all the struggle for?!

I didn’t want to admit or recognize my power, because deep down, it felt oddly more satisfying to be a victim.
But in the weeks that followed, I finally decided to swallow my pride…

I reached out to this teacher to share the impact her words had on me and to ask if she’d be willing to coach me…

Thankfully, she took me on, and so my journey began. 

In our first few weeks of working together, she held nothing back in an attempt to help me see my invisible sabotage patterns that were ruining my love life…

On paper, I was doing all the right things… 

  • Going on dates
  • Reading books 
  • Listening to podcasts
  • And even trying my hand at manifestation practices

But in truth, I was unknowingly sabotaging my chances at love with the kind of emotionally available, ready-for-commitment men I actually wanted…

In one session after the next, she helped me identify, unravel, and shift my patterns…

  • Pretending to be ‘perfect’ and say all the right things when I’m on dates, so I could control his perception of me, all while hiding behind a mask of invulnerability – causing men to lose interest after a while because they couldn’t actually FEEL me behind my protective, inauthentic wall
  • Pulling away or becoming anxious when things started to get serious – causing men to feel confused by the drastic shift in my energy and friend-zoning me, ending things, or ghosting me altogether
  • Organizing the dates, making the plans, following up with men when they didn’t follow up with me, and dominating the conversation – causing men to lean back, go with the flow, and let me take the lead (which was the exact opposite of what I actually wanted)
  • And NOT being clear about what I wanted, what I needed, and where my boundaries were – causing my desires to go unfulfilled, my needs to go unmet, and having my boundaries crossed more times than I can count
I was dumbfounded.  Holy shit…
I did have a part to play in all of this! 
Yet, I didn’t realize any of it, until my coach held up a loving, yet honest mirror so I could see it all. 

After having my pride demolished over and over again…

I was finally ready to put some of what I’d learned into action…

I applied the teachings as I went on dates with new men, mindful to not fall back into my old beliefs and habits…
When I met a man who I was sure was ‘the one…’ 

It was a sunny spring day in Manhattan…

And I found myself laying out in a cute park in the West Village…

As I people watched with pleasure and delight…

I spotted him. 

There he was: dark hair, tan skin, sitting cross legged on the grass, meditating…

I thought: “Wow, a man who’s meditating (and SO handsome), I have to know him!” 

As organically as organic would have it, we happened to strike up a conversation shortly after he opened his eyes…

After minutes of engaging conversation, he went on to share more about his entrepreneurial ventures, his spiritual practice, and many of the other things that my mind immediately categorized as green flags…

He was equally as interested in me and what I had to share, and asked for my contact info before we departed…
I hoped he’d contact me…

When I received his first text, I was smitten…

“Finally, a guy who can meet me on my level!” I thought. 

He was spiritual, entrepreneurial, and handsome!

Obviously I wanted this to become something serious…

So I intelligently maneuvered my way into a committed dating situation…

And did everything in my power to put my best foot forward to show him, I was the one…
But something just wasn’t clicking…

I thought it was me…

So I ignored the red flags that kept revealing themselves…

While making excuses and justifying how I was just being “silly…”

With an extreme opposite approach, I went overboard trying to make myself “perfect” for him… 

In an attempt to hold onto a love that I was afraid I’d never be able to recreate.

I remember mornings waking up next to him, slipping quietly out of bed to brush my teeth, shower, and apply makeup before getting back into bed and pretending:

I woke up like this...

I was afraid to let him in and see ALL of me. 

I was afraid that if I let anyone in that deeply, they might not like what they see and I’d eventually lose the love I’d worked so hard for….

After more than a year of emotional gripping, ignoring my own needs and boundaries, and contorting myself into what I thought was the ‘perfect partner…’

*He left me.* 
I was completely shattered.

With no tools to process my emotions, I threw myself into my work, working out, and socializing.

I ignored the anger, sadness, confusion, and devastation that was overflowing out of me.

After months of turning away from the truth of my experience and pushing my emotions down…

I woke up one day and the entire left side of my face was paralyzed.

I had Bells’ Palsy.

…A neurological condition that affects the nerves and causes the muscles on one side of the face to weaken and droop.

My face looked like the face to two different people.
To make matters worse…

The stress that was pulsing through my body caused my body to break out in hives and my face to break out with cystic acne…

I was completely beside myself.

In this “come to God” moment, I knew I had to change something!

There was no fucking way this was a coincidence!

“I was the one who created this and only I had the power to change it…”

I remember thinking as I recalled the very first time my coach had told me that.

Over the following months, I worked closely with two Chinese Medicine doctors…

I received intense acupuncture (with electrical stimulation) to the left side of my face…

Painful massage to stimulate my facial nerves…

I drank not-so-tasty Chinese medicinal herbs three times a day…

And continued working with my coach to uncover what was happening inside of me…
This began the next part of my deep inner journey to healing my heart, my body, and discovering more of my painful self-sabotaging patterns

By that point, I’d gotten so into “the work,” that I started to study under my coach, as well as with psychologists, psychedelic therapists, and spiritual teachers…

I spent the following months envisioning how instead of looking for an ideal partner in someone else...

...I could be that ideal partner to myself.

I dedicated myself to learning and loving myself  the way I wanted a partner to love me..

And I let go of the unconscious sabotage patterns that were causing me to:

- Ignore red flags and betray my body's intuition and wisdom

- Attract men who were emotionally unavailable or allergic to commitment, because *plot twist* I was actually afraid of intimacy

- Be invisible to the kinds of men who were ready for commitment and wanted to be leaders and providers in their relationships because I didn't actually feel safe to fully open my heart, allow a man to lead, and I feared "losing my freedom"

And for the first time ever...
I became magnetic to the kinds of men I could *actually* have a future with 
After years of struggling in dating

I was finally ready to open my heart…

First to myself…

Then to a new partner…

To my surprise, just months after coming out of my healing cave…

Yet being in a deep devotional practice of giving myself the kind of love I'd longed for my whole life…

I met my true match!
One fateful day at a speaking workshop in Brooklyn, New York, I got up in front of a crowd full of strangers to share my story…

That story and the way I shared it, was what caught the unwavering attention of my now partner, Ani…

He later shared that no amount of coffee could wake him up that morning…

But the moment I got up to speak, he could feel my authenticity, my vulnerability, and my open heart…

For months after, we would meet up, go for walks, and call each other on the phone…

We developed a friendship that was based on open communication, authenticity, vulnerability…

(A way of being that was new for me in a relationship)...

Though this was unfamiliar, it felt SO right. 

I was elated every time I was around him…

He listened with such patience and presence, yet also helped illuminate some of my blindspots (a real gift of his)...

I really trusted him…

It was the first time I’d ever felt this way about a man…

And of course, I had no idea what to make of this…

An attractive, successful, open-hearted man…and we’re “just friends?!”

In my true, leave-it-all-on-the-MF-dancefloor nature…

I figured “What the hell, I’m gonna tell him I’m in love with him…”

He was slow to respond…

But I kept my cool while keeping my heart open…

And eventually, he came around to expressing his mutual interest…
And the rest is history!

Well after surpassing my former “two year ceiling…” 

(The point I could never make it past in any of my previous long term relationships)...

Ani and I have created the most transformative, passionate, loving relationship I could ever imagine…

We’ve been in the trenches together…

Doing the inner work to resolve our own wounds…

And in that process, growing closer and more intimate than ever…

Nearly five years later, we are now partners in love, life, and business…

We travel the world together and we challenge and inspire each other to grow…
I couldn’t imagine a more fulfilling life and am so grateful to have him by my side and to be by his!

All those years ago, I had no idea that a massive heartbreak and health breakdown would lead me to the work I love and the man I share my life with…

Since then, I’ve coached countless women through this very same process I led myself through…

And together, we've guided women on their journeys to revealing and healing their invisible sabotage patterns and attracting their partners. 

I’m more clear than ever that intimacy with a partner starts with intimacy with ourselves…

And to be successful in dating, you have to make the invisible visible
This is why after years of my own trial and error, studying with teachers, guiding others, and working with Ani to uncover the process that changes everything for women in their love lives…

We created the Dating Decoded Courseto help you reveal and heal your invisible patterns, so you can attract the love of your life!

By the end of this course, you’ll know:

  • Why attracting men who are ready for commitment has felt so hard
  • ​The invisible core patterns created during childhood that are keeping you from having the love life you want (and what will help you become magnetic to high quality men)
  • What causes men to be super interested at first, but then pull away from you
  • ​The counterintuitive shifts you must make to feel confident and authentic in dating so it's fun and effortless
  • ​The real root cause of your self-sabotaging behaviors, that you must become aware of to get off the dating rollercoaster
  • ​Why you haven’t been able to get past the early stages of dating with men you’re really into
  • ​How you might be unknowingly repelling high quality, emotionally available men (and what to do instead)
  • ​What shifts to make to start attracting men who have their lives together and are ready to commit to you

Each lesson includes hands-on activities and reflection questions, so you can apply what you're learning and create real and lasting shifts, FAST!

You’ll also get to see powerful live coaching sessions where women just like you are receiving expert support to navigate through things like:

  • Overcoming the fear of intimacy and abandonment
  • Creating emotional safety in dating 
  • Expressing needs, desires, and boundaries in dating

What you receive when you purchase the Dating Decoded Course:

The Attraction Mindset Training

This training will help you cultivate the most effective mindset for feeling most empowered in dating, while attracting high quality men who have a vision for their lives (yum)! 

Value: $47

The Dating Decoded Playbook

This is a diagnostic playbook that will help you uncover your unique invisible sabotage patterns, so you can quickly resolve these patterns and get unstuck in dating.

Value: $97

The 7 Deadly Attraction Killers Guide 

There are 7 main behaviors we’ve been conditioned into as women that actually kill our chances of attracting committed men. Find out if you’re embodying any of them + learn how to reverse these behaviors, so you can naturally and easily attract the right men.

Value: $67

The 9 Core Shifts Training

Take your dating and love life from feeling frustrating and stuck to effortless and flowing by making these simple core shifts.

Value: $57

Lifetime access to the Sexy Secure Love Private Community

A community of women like you who will inspire and celebrate you every step of the way!

Value: Priceless

Bonus: 3 Recorded Coaching Sessions

Experience instant breakthroughs by watching other women like you receive powerful coaching to overcome the fear of intimacy, create emotional safety, and learn how express needs and desires in their love lives. This is as powerful as receiving the coaching yourself!

Value: Worth over $500

You receive all of this for just 

$297  $97

See the results other women like you have created:


“I was able to call in The One and I'm in a beautiful committed partnership now. I've completely transformed my relationship with myself, I just feel so much more in tune with my body. There's just a genuine self-acceptance that I didn't feel like I truly had before, and I get to walk this earth feeling so much more safe. This work has really helped me love myself and my partner in a deeper way, it's just profound.”


"I've been able to really get in touch with my inner desires that have been buried for such a long time that I didn't even think I had them anymore. I'm no longer afraid to date, in fact I feel so excited to get out and explore. I've realized that my relationship with myself is a direct reflection of the type of people I call into my life - and I feel so much more connected to myself and can hold an unwavering presence for myself." 


"My relationship to myself and others has changed dramatically. I feel so much more love and compassion for myself, have strong loving boundaries that allow me to navigate intimacy at MY pace, and feel so much more permission to be authentic to my needs and desires. I'm actually allowing myself to go slow, and date - and it feels so much more fun - rather than jumping from relationship to relationship. The pressure is gone and I feel so empowered." 


"I feel much more in touch with what I want & need, and clear about who I need to be to attract a partner into my life. I feel more confident, and less insecure and shut down. I'm enjoying this process. I'm having so much fun, I've truly rediscovered a sense of play and I'm enjoying dating - which is huge because I used to have this narrative that I didn't like dating. I'm attracting multiple people and getting vulnerable in ways that I've never done before with men - because now I feel much more in tune with my own femininity, my sexuality, and my body than I ever did before."

Meet your guides

Hi, we're Ani & Lee

We're the founders of Aligned Attraction, a modern relationship school for self aware women who are ready to revolutionize their relationship with themselves, attract high quality men, and create sexy secure love. 

We're on a mission to help women cultivate the skills and capacity for healthy, thriving intimacy - by teaching them how to take a stance of 'fierce love' with themselves - the kind of love that cuts through the illusion of unworthiness and allows women to feel deeply safe to be themselves in relationships. 

In full disclosure, both of us used to really struggle to have healthy romantic relationships…

In our own households growing up, we both saw and experienced unhealthy models of intimacy between our parents and towards us. 

Which means, we ourselves, had many failed relationships...

Not because they didn't last, but because we repeated the same painful patterns over and over again...

It wasn't until we met each other that we were able to roll our sleeves up and become the mad scientists of our love lives, working through our most challenging patterns TOGETHER.

And let us tell you, it wasn't always easy. It required effort, intention and perseverance. 

A LOT of it. 

Even in all the growth we've experienced, we don't, for a minute, claim to be 'perfect...'

But we do show up with epic amounts of grit, determination, and desire to co-create the most fulfilling lives we can! 

Years of living and leading this work has taken us around the globe many times over to learn from and teach with some of the world’s top experts on love and relationships. 

Combined, we have more than two decades of studying in this field and have spent thousands of hours teaching and coaching others.

We are also both trauma trained psychedelic therapists, well versed in helping our clients resolve trauma, so they can finally create the love lives they've been dreaming of. 

And now, we want to show you how you can attract the man of your dreams and create a sexy + secure relationship -- one that GIVES you energy, creates space for you to be your most authentic self, and allows you (and your partner) to evolve alongside each other!

We're here to show you a new way to approach love – one that is full of authenticity, vibrance, connection & pleasure! 

As Seen On:

Get unstuck in your dating life now for just...

$297  $97

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